Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014

1 in 5 women are raped

On casual sexual assault

If you are triggered by the sole notion that a woman's experiences aren't 
automatically to be believed, don't read on.

As I was reading up on the sexual assault victims magazine, a weekly published magazine which deals with the victimhood of women who were or are about to be sexually assaulted, I looked up some numbers. The mag said, that every 1 in 5 woman was experiencing sexual assault in her lifetime.

Yet according to critics, the "1 in 5 woman"-statistic was a myth because it was lacking in quality. To these critics, I simply say, when a woman tells you about her experiences, the most radical thing you can do is to listen and believe. Because sexual assault isn't only forcefully holding someone down. Rape is existing in every layer of a woman's life on a day-to-day basis. Woman are raped in rape culture every day in a certain way. Rape culture even enables this abhorrent behaviour.

And the point is, if she feels sexually assaulted, she probably was.

So, let me explain why this number is so high, but let me say it through the voices of the woman on my campus:

"Until noon, I was raped multiple times. Let me explain. First, I stood up, and had to put on some makeup. rape culture forces me to make myself pretty for the boys, although i don't really want to. That's rape. As I was leaving my flat, I thought I'd go to a starbucks, and get some coffee, like usual to console me after my traumatic experience of putting makeup on (while I didn't want to). There, it happened again. A clearly misogynist employee of starbucks talked me into buying caffee au lait, although I wanted my coffee black. I bet he was racist, too." Nubriana, 23

"Yesterday, I had to ride a bus. It was really crowded, and I had trouble finding a seat for me. Because I was tired of shopping and trying to find the right perfume all day, I just had to sit down. There was only one seat left and it was next to a sweaty fat dude. I had no choice. I had to sit down next to him. I was facing away from him in disgust, surpressing my urge to gag for the whole ride but because I had no choice but sitting next to him, although I didn't want to - I was the victim. I had to experience rape culture with my very own body" Carol, 24

"Last week, I was raped 11 times during a time period of 15 minutes. I was walking down the street, to meet a feminist male friend. There were 5 men looking uninvited at me, one assaulted me because he whistled at me like you whistle at a horse, and one had the audacity to accidently brush my arm with his. But the worst of em all was actually my feminist male friend. My eyes witnessed in shock and horror, that there was a bouquet of roses in his hands, and there was this big patriarchal grin on his face. I didn't ask for this, and slapped it down to the ground, stomped on it and went home. An hour later, he tried to lie to me, saying that the roses weren't even for me. Sexist pig." Esther, 26

Needless to say, all those woman were in the vicinity of a campus or on the way to it.

Sonntag, 23. November 2014

Why #shirtstorm was right

On sexist T-Shirts

If you are triggered by social injustice, don't read on.

When thinking about #shirtstorm, where a man was demanded to apologize for wearing an incredbily sexist shirt, you have to wonder why woman and girls all over the world are rightfully upset. So - why are they upset? And how can depictions of woman be upsetting to woman anyways?

#shirtgate. Notice the horrifed expression on the face of the poor woman, as oppression is taking place. Rumor says, she was tiggered by this interview.
I had a lot of conversation in my university with women in my gender-debating circle with it, and, as always, when we talk about highly emotional charged issues, tears were shed. Some woman were triggered, too, but I'll just have these Quotes doing the talk:

Diana F. 23 years old:

 " When I saw that picture, as well as the appalled expression on face the face of the female interviewer, I was like, wait. This remembers me of a thing, that once happened. You know, that one guy? At the bar? Who won't leave you alone after you, like, said, already "no thx"? The cometguy is the same kind of guy, and he's just as sexist. That's why I think STEM-education is sexist as well and that's the reason why I won't enter this field of education anytime soon."

Carola M. 19 years old:

 "I am a victim of the porno-industry. I started to work there because I wasn't interesting in college and higher education and wanted to have a quick buck. I am a victim of heavy drug abuse and general other feminist issues as well, but, I have to say, patriarchy made me do these things. Now, I'm a reborn feminist, and I find it incredibly hard to start my career in the STEM-field now, because his shirt is just unheard of, and this blatant sexism repels me."

Laura B, 27 years old:

"I studied engineering for 3 and a half years now and I don't feel welcome anymore because of this shirt. And I don't like it when men wear what they want whilst not thinking about what I would like to see. I have this problem kind of everywhere, what is a sure sign of patriarchy. This isn't worth it anymore, I'll better quit my STEM-field degree, it's just too much, this shirt broke the metaphorical camel's back.

Needless to say, all those girls were triggered as well and angry and sad. But how can we fight those injustices? How can we end woman's suffering altogether?

Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

Microphones - the hidden horror


If your feelings get crused rather easily by maybe-offending posts, you shouldn't read this. It's really not offending, but who knows.

typical sexist microphone
There are many hidden instances of partriachal oppression in our society. And let me tell you, those are the most terrifying of them all. Last week, I was at a conference about banning penis-shaped vegetables, as my eyes widened in dread. I couldn't even fathom the irony that was taking place at this particular moment. 

There she was, one of our speakers (better don't give away the name, bc harassment), speaking into a microphone. I may have to capitalize it to really give away what I mean. A microphone!

Now, please don't think I'm crazy. I know I'm kinda emotional right now, and I hope I can get this post clear to you without  having to repeat myself too often. I was emotional back then, too. Breaking into sweats, nervously skidding around in my chair, when the observation hit me. It's hard to write down, too.

Samstag, 15. November 2014

Diary 1, the croissant

Diary of a victim of rape culture 
Vol. 1 - the croissant

A Case study of internalized misogyny

If you are sensible towards certain long and pointy objects, or hollow, round objects, or a combination of both, please consider not reading on

Today, I witnessed internalized mysogyny and possibly rape. It happened right before my eyes, and I couldn't stop it. I just could sit there, helpless, and didn't dare to say a word. Needless to say, I was enraged, and tried to hold my composure. It was hard, I have tell you this. But I made it. I didn't want to get into trouble, bc at my workplace, it is kinda tough to speak out for feminist ideas.

Is it sexist?
As I first called a meeting for a feminist proposal, I was being laughed at. What, I ask you, is so wrong to prohibit phallic shaped vegetables at an open office? You can get triggered by that! We have a lot of patriarchy going on here. But, alas, I'll tell you this story another time. The thing I want to talk about today is internalized misogyny.

I have a co-worker, Melany. She's a "pretty girl", and everyone around here likes her. Yea, She has taken the easy way. Her "feminine traits" get her a go around the office, She's "pretty", shaves her armpits and legs and is generally a "nice person". Doing a little bit of makeup every morning, and even going through the trouble of having long, "beautiful" hair. I asked her once why she is going through the trouble of making herself "pretty", I was in utter disbelief of her answer. She said she wanted to feel pretty and "like a woman".

Mittwoch, 12. November 2014

Are Bananas sexist?

Bananas - the hidden harassment

If you are terrified by phallic-shaped object which might you remember something you don't want to remember, like, for example, a big penis, don't read on.

Every woman has had this experience. You know, after a long and stressful day, like going to a mall, or getting some books, you like, as a woman, to sit down, and have a meal. In my youth, I always enjoyed something healthy, as a banana or a cucumber. Hell, even some carrots were in my lunchbox back in the day!

But, as you may have noticed on the left-hand picture, the patriarchy has made simple things like eating sexualized. Well, you may just see a woman eating happily a banana, Many will also see the horrified gaze on her face, as she is trembling in fear. Yes, at this very moment she is oppressed and is trying to surpress her feelings through "a smiling face" because "girls should always smile", right?

The overly sexualized context of this picture is a defamation of this very girl's basic human rights. Her dignity is undermined through the cultural context of what's commonly known as a blowjob.

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014


Penetrating opression

If you experience heavy mind detoriation because of abstract descriptions of phallic objects, dont read on.

For centuries, woman have been opressed by not giving them education, or even the ability to read and write. We endured so such oppression during medieval times. Since then, those privileges have been given to us, just around like the last few hundred years, and in many countries, it's still a problem. Iran, Irak, you name it. There are a lot of opressed woman-societies out there.

But the patriarchal opression of not education us woman survived. It survived in the form of a phallic-shaped object which is used in almost all of academia and in all industries:


Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014



a game of rape

If you are sensitive or a survivor of having your sensitive feelings disturbed, dont read on. It may get rough.

Yesterday, I was eating with friends. We discussed gender policies and the recent scandal about gamergate. You know, that one hateful movement, which does only harass woman. There is nothing more to it, and everyone who says otherwise is a misogynist, and a bigot. Now this is settled, and no ruther discussion about that is needed. 

Today, and as the first post of my new blog, I'd like to discuss an idea that i got when I talked yesterday to my friends. We were discussing gender politics (while eating non-phallic vegetables, ofc), when i noticed a thing. It's hard to describe, and I still am kinda shaken to just write it down. So, forgive me folks for errors, but I have to get this from my chest.

The game of queens

Since I've seen all the bad harassment woman got in the gaming industry, i thought to myself, well. Thats really, really bad. The dismantling of the partiarchy seems to be a really hard thing to do, so I thought I'd do my part and be a culture critique on my own.

One of my literal life passions is discussing gender politics in my university, as well as with friends, and like, everyone. No one is spared! Ha ha.


So, back to the culture critique thing. Anita Sarkeesian has made a terribly good job at dismantling all the sexism in almost all the games, as we know of today. We always knew that basement-dwelling nerds were misogynysts, but to see this endemic on this socially accepted level is truly shocking.

Its so brave of her to stand up to her points, and face all those harassers and nerds. She's truly a heroine.

Since my great intellectual idol, Sarkeesian, has already taken video games, I'll have to resort to other kinds of games to find and examine sexism in it. Such as:

  • Boardgames
This may come as a surprise to you, but most boardgames are deeply sexist. Needless to say, as many young children play board games, it has some kind of educational value to them. You could say, they get indoctrinated by the patriarchy in a very early age. This raises more patriarchs and opressed classes, such as: woman. Further analysis will be coming in the upcoming time
  • Cardgames
There are sexist Cardgames, too. In this category, it more like an artform than the actual gameplay itself, but non the less, I'll be examining that, too!
  • Party games
Do I have to say more?

Stay tuned!