Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014



a game of rape

If you are sensitive or a survivor of having your sensitive feelings disturbed, dont read on. It may get rough.

Yesterday, I was eating with friends. We discussed gender policies and the recent scandal about gamergate. You know, that one hateful movement, which does only harass woman. There is nothing more to it, and everyone who says otherwise is a misogynist, and a bigot. Now this is settled, and no ruther discussion about that is needed. 

Today, and as the first post of my new blog, I'd like to discuss an idea that i got when I talked yesterday to my friends. We were discussing gender politics (while eating non-phallic vegetables, ofc), when i noticed a thing. It's hard to describe, and I still am kinda shaken to just write it down. So, forgive me folks for errors, but I have to get this from my chest.

The game in question
Ludo. You know, the boardgame? Well, is it sexist? Yea, it's deeply sexist. Why, you ask? Let me show you.

First, I suspect everyone of you know what Ludo is, if not, I'll give you a short description from wikipedia:

"Ludo /ˈld//ˈlj-/ (from Latin ludo, "I play") is a board game for two to four[2] players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to die rolls. Like other cross and circle games, Ludo is derived from the Indiangame Pachisi, but simpler. The game and its variants are popular in many countries and under various names."

(Or, if you want to know more, you can look 

Now, we'll have a deep and intrepid feminist analysis of this deeply sexist game. Yes, you read that right. I'd even go as far as to describe this game as the blueprint of partiarchal oppression, but let me show you the facts first.
Phallic (Penis) Shaped objects that you have to touch. German version.

First things first, the pawns of the game. The pawns of the game are usually represented
by phallic objects. We all know that phallic objects represent male sexuality. Furthermore you are in control of those pawns. Conclusion: You play as the person in power. You are the man, of course. The patriarch

And this isn't even the worst thing with this game! Your 'goal' is to actually get into your "home squares". And how does a homesquare look like? Its tubular, its long and protected from all sides. What is furthermore shocking to that, is that you have to insert your phallic objects into it. Via a game of dice. Without any form of consent, you enter "your" home square.

It's basically rape. Yes, you heard that right. And I hope it was as shocking to you as it was to me, when I first discovered when I played a little game of rape in my youth. Over and over again. Over and over again i was indoctrinated by the partiarchy that I had to play a game of dice to be the first to rape this boardgame.

Its hard to me, when I'm so disturbed and irrecoverable shaken from such a bitter finding. I'm in tears and utterly emotionally destroyed. Every young girl has to touch phallic pawns and get them into the "home"?

Isn't that truly appaling and disgustingly sexist? 


THIS i say, is why we have so much misogynee in our culture. So much hate for women, when even little girls have to endure this coverted game of rape. At this point I'd like to say, won't somebody please think of the children?


I don't know, but I'd like it to discuss with the feminist community, and to talk about issues regarding this game of rape. Maybe we could get a rally going, some protests or something to ban this vile piece of partiachal indoctrination.


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